*WOOT!* hey mr.right eye-Where ure going!?!- grins with a london bridge smile*-*
Lol,well for those who didn't got the update..lately there is some excessive funny white cells lurke up to my nerves at the basement of the brain area, and create a little mess to the eyes .So yea I'm on some chemo treatment shooting up to the brains for a few rounds as a treatment to it.But this will not heal the eyes,it's still all depends on the healing hand of God.But in all faith I believe in due time he will restore me.I also want to thank all those who persistently praying for me since the begining till now.And of course your prayers really encourages me and will not go void,because God hears them.Thank you all my loving bro's and sis's in the Lord. Too much to say to thank u all,thank you!.But hey hey theres a great news to share..As i did my latest checkup,all my other cells in my body,stomach and marrow is all in full remission=) Praise God!
And of course despite this uncomfortable times lately with using one little eyes to do things,i still thank God that i'm able to do quite a lot of things still.I can read a little,still get to do my devotion=),and oh oh my listening skill turns out to be better and sharper too!so yea not all to loose but everything to gain,many things we might not understand now,but Gods way are always the higher way and the best for us. God is good..He always knows whats the best for me and to aid my training so that ONE DAY i can stand up and glorify Him for his goodness where ever i go.
As i read the inspiring psalm 3 today and cry aloud to Him,He shows me He is ever my shield to the ten thousands drawn up against me on every side.I can lie down sleep and awake because the Lord sustains me.He will one day bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
Despite of anything me or you are going thru..God sees them all...and He knows,He hurts too when you hurt and He rejoices with you when you rejoice!he is our heavenly dad=) He made all things that will bless us and not to harm us.BElieve this and may the fruits of the spirit be with you always.My healing is on it's way. Well I truly believe it! Know His power and love is never comparable and nothing that he can't do.Ask and shall thee received.
Blessings to all!