Tuesday, January 5, 2010
COMPILATION OF EULOGIES: The Gan family would like to compile all eulogies into a book to be published in loving memory of Andy Gan. If you wish to contribute your written eulogy/wonderful memories of Andy, kindly e-mail it to Ps Timothy Chew at timchew98@yahoo.com not later than 31st January 2010. Your love for Andy is very much appreciated!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Regret 2 inform you that Andy Gan has passed away has passed away on the 3rd of January 2010 at 11.34pm. There will be a wake service to be held on the 4th & 5th of January 2010.
Location: NV Care-1 Jln 1/116A Off Jln Sg Besi(2nd Flr,Room 21)
Time: 8.30pm
Date: 4th & 5th January 2010
Contact Person: Cynthia Chan@ 0166156195 or Japheth Kong @ 0122466088
Location: NV Care-1 Jln 1/116A Off Jln Sg Besi(2nd Flr,Room 21)
Time: 8.30pm
Date: 4th & 5th January 2010
Contact Person: Cynthia Chan@ 0166156195 or Japheth Kong @ 0122466088

Regret to inform you that Andy Gan has passed away on the 3rd of January 2010 at 11.34pm. There will be a wake service to be held on the 4th & 5th of January 2010 at 8.30pm. The venue will be advised later. Contact Person: Cynthia Chan@ 0166156195 or Japheth Kong @ 0122466088.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Does Christians Today Have the Right Or Wrong intension In Prayer?

IT IS TIME TO PRAY,and time to pray is every time.FAmous code by..... hmm Andy gan.*claps*
Today my post is about christians with right or wrong intension in their prayers?
The great deal we believer in Christ has is the Power of Prayer.We know what GOD can do for us.We normally just request freely it all unto Him.What's the problem?No problemo.JUst that did we use it appropriately or not?that's the question.harr..
Well as for my personal readup on my devotional material,I've learned that God actually wants us to pray to Him with a pure heart.Whether is for ourself or others.HE intensively looks into the intension of our prayer.And first most importantly to ONLY* glorify HIm not for our own glory.We are only an instrument of prayer.All glory only goes to Jesus.
The Lord loves to hear our prayers,it's evergreen to his ears.
Today I was reading about an example given prayer by a person asking."Lord,pls heal my uncle,he is in critical condition,not much time to live,and Lord pls too give Him salvation,For I do not want to see him going to hell."*wooot* woow shocking arr..the prayer may seem well,because she cares for her uncle.BUt in this manner of prayer it's like err...instucting the Lord of what to do with your prayer.More so it sound very negative about those hell hell stuffs ain't it?Moreover worst of all,It sounds like and instuction for God..owhh nooooo!Do you think it's right?
GOd must be in heaven thinking,Hey my beloved son,You are God or I am God?(laughter by the angels I bet)lol.. but yea this is probably what is the situation up in heaven laughing about a blaa out request like that.But don't take heart,We human being make mistake.But hmm are we willing to change?
Anyway,what gives us the right? -my daddy hero always taught me not to give instruction to the Lord in our prayers.HE taught me the essential of a prayer is humbly in petition/prayer make it to HIm with a greatful heart.God will ever be pleased to meet your prayers.This is in my experience I share.Because I see GOd working miracles in my life everyday!-My dad my guide and earthly HEro,Jesus my life and HEavenly hero..waaa how nice?*people just dun get jeoulous ok?hehe.
But guys we are all off the flesh,we make mistake but if we learn to minimize and better them,we can turn our weaknesses into our strength.I myself make mistake like these before many times too.At the end of the day,are we willing to change?to learn?and let Him mold us and shape us.
As God's word says, GO make disciples of all-nation,not merely just christians.God loves to see us longing to know Him,reach Him,experience Him more.MORE n MORE.!
Well,this post is not to discourage and make people scared about praying.PLS TO ALL readers don't get me wrong.But I hope it make us realize the more importance of what the intension we are upholding in our prayers.God loves to hear us out.He loves our communion with Him.
After reading this post,actually you should hunger more for prayers,prayers do move mountains.
God is also ever ready to release your prayer as long it's the best for you.
He will!He will.Our God is always faithful.amen!
That's all my sharing for today,God bless the readers.
*note*-owh yea to those REV.team in the 40 days journey,I pick today's day 9 to share.I hope today's verse had bless you all too.Keep it up REV team.*
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wall-G. v.s Wall-E

Today's living world presents the competition between The Wall-E and the Wall-G.
People always see blogs and forums comparing iphone v.s samsung and etc..
This post is just an illustration of these happenings in town today!=)
Today's consumerism are on all eyes on getting the best things to buy.Material goods and products are always on our desire to get.But do you realize what is the best a person should ever get?
For me the best gift I ever received is my salvation in Jesus,no material things in this world can give be a better hope,joy and peace!So many challenges in my life I pull through is because of He being there with me.Although many times it gets tougher and tougher as you all see my last post about my eyes?HE is still there to heal me..
But today I'm recovered about 80% already.Praise the Lord!=)
Ok not to stress you readers(*with a smiling face*).
This post about the wall-E v.s wall-G comes along randomly in my sleep,and i just woke up with and inspiration to write this up!hehe
Wall-E symbolize a hero character,so i randomly pick it,to be link somehow to a hero..lol.!*smart boy arr*??=D well,Wall-G stands for 'gan' my surname and 'golferalive'.harr you see,there's link*
In my golfing days if those who knows me well,I am a pretty tough competitor in my golfing career days,I always believe there is no wall i can't break and I am the unbreakable one!That's how tough my mindset was when I"m on my younger days seasons,I was been taught by a guru to always AIM FOR THE SUN & IF YOU FALL SHORT OF IT,YOU'LL STILL BE ONE OF THE STARS!-another quote was 'when the going gets tough,the TOUGH get's going'!-
In my mind I was always a hero myself.I had tough characther and always believed I'm un-stoppable in achieving sucess,But today...
I can only say that without God in me I wouldn't could have survived 3 times of life critical incidents that death is just by side in the calling..It's a really scary feeling of almost dying 3 times.
No matter how tough a strong guy may be,He would not had pull through.I only believed that Jesus did it for me.Lately to those who was not updated I went in another operation in september 18 and was really all risky because i was underweight,but without much choice because of the urgency,I went in.DOctors was saying to my parents to be prepared.But as you all can see,I'm still alive today to post this blog=) How amazing right?The doctor was also amazed and say yea your boy is tough.But to me,I was only tough because of JESUS being there for me.=)
So today,I can say that the 'wall-G' not only means gan& golferalive..BUt also THE WALL OF GOD IN ANDY"S gan life.
Lastly,I want to thank the REV.team for keeping me in prayers,my senior pastors,my sifu and mentor,my bro's and sis in church and outside church,and friends.Truly your prayers,encouragements and concern for me is much much appreciated!dearly I want to say,I LOVE ALL OF YOU. And in my prayers too for your wellness and wholeness to life.
BLessings to all readers!
Hmm owhh ya,So WHO"S the winner??wall-E or wall-G...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The wall-E v.s wall-G coming soon on cinema!+)

-the Wall-E v.s the Wall-G-
The Top represents hero wall-G*drumzz roll...*
The bottom represent cute wall-E hero...*drums rolls!
before it all begins!-hmm comments are welcome..about who will be stronger?tougher,cuter friendlier..hahaha.!just 4 laugh.
the post will be out soon!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
-The Man In The Mirror-

*WOOT!* hey mr.right eye-Where ure going!?!- grins with a london bridge smile*-*
Lol,well for those who didn't got the update..lately there is some excessive funny white cells lurke up to my nerves at the basement of the brain area, and create a little mess to the eyes .So yea I'm on some chemo treatment shooting up to the brains for a few rounds as a treatment to it.But this will not heal the eyes,it's still all depends on the healing hand of God.But in all faith I believe in due time he will restore me.I also want to thank all those who persistently praying for me since the begining till now.And of course your prayers really encourages me and will not go void,because God hears them.Thank you all my loving bro's and sis's in the Lord. Too much to say to thank u all,thank you!.But hey hey theres a great news to share..As i did my latest checkup,all my other cells in my body,stomach and marrow is all in full remission=) Praise God!
And of course despite this uncomfortable times lately with using one little eyes to do things,i still thank God that i'm able to do quite a lot of things still.I can read a little,still get to do my devotion=),and oh oh my listening skill turns out to be better and sharper too!so yea not all to loose but everything to gain,many things we might not understand now,but Gods way are always the higher way and the best for us. God is good..He always knows whats the best for me and to aid my training so that ONE DAY i can stand up and glorify Him for his goodness where ever i go.
As i read the inspiring psalm 3 today and cry aloud to Him,He shows me He is ever my shield to the ten thousands drawn up against me on every side.I can lie down sleep and awake because the Lord sustains me.He will one day bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
Despite of anything me or you are going thru..God sees them all...and He knows,He hurts too when you hurt and He rejoices with you when you rejoice!he is our heavenly dad=) He made all things that will bless us and not to harm us.BElieve this and may the fruits of the spirit be with you always.My healing is on it's way. Well I truly believe it! Know His power and love is never comparable and nothing that he can't do.Ask and shall thee received.
Blessings to all!
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